Here comes number 27 of my current Afro Series and if you remember from my last post on the Afro Series, I said the drawing had a better resemblance. This to me looks more like the model.
I have used Soft Oil Base Pencil with charcoal to render this piece. The emphasis of this series once again is to explore the variety and beauty of natural Black Afro Hair, something that really fascinates me!
I have got three more models lined up, any more takers? If you have a good Afro or know a friend that has a good Afro, please feel free to contact me and we'll arrange sittings or work from photos.
AFRO XXVII, 11" x 13", Oil Base Pencil/Charcoal, 2009
AFRO SERIES charcoal oil base pencil watercolour paper
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