My 500th Post! Quick Sketches of people at St Mary's Fun Day, Welling, 2009
A4 daler-rowney sketch pad funday oil base pencil people sketches
We had a nice community fun day locally around Welling on Saturday and I had a little stall where I offered to do quick 10 minute sketches of people willing to sit for £10. It was quite an experience as I was almost busy all day, talking to children/parents, explaining what I do, entertaining customers who wanted to commission me to do their portraits, the...
View outside my window in Hotel at Cornwall
A3 sketchpad A4 daler-rowney sketch pad graphite landscape
Josh in sleep mode XI, Oil base pencil, A4 Sketch pad, 2009
A4 daler-rowney sketch pad josh oil on canvas sleeping mode
This was sketched with a soft oil base pencil in my A4 Sketchbook.
Josh in Sleep Mode X, A4 Sketch pad, Coloured pencils, 2009
A4 daler-rowney sketch pad coloured pencil josh sketches sleeping mode
He went to sleep after lunch and an active afternoon and I really needed to be quick with this one because he changes gears very easily!
Josh in Sleep mode VIII and IX, A4 sketch pad, Coloured pencil, 2009
A4 daler-rowney sketch pad coloured pencil josh sleeping mode
I caught josh in sleep mode today. Quite a while since he has been this tired after dinner. As he was watching "The Story of Ruth" suddenly it all went quiet and alas he has gone into sleep mode! I quickly got out my A4 sketch pad and a black coloured pencil and quickly got number 8 and 9 in this sketch series of Josh sleeping.