The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career 16

acrylic Arsenal Arsenal Fan competition mixed media The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career Thierry Henry

Number 16-The Highbury Goal Machine.

This painting was done for an Art Football Competition( I focused on the highest scoring player for Arsenal, Thierry Henry-He is one of the football players that played the game and scored goals with such flair and fluency- it was almost swagger like or should I use his words VaVa VOOOMMM!!!)but it got rejected, and you may wonder why it changed my career. Well,...

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The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career 13

chelsea competition exhibition Heatherley School of Fine Art oil on board The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career

Number 13-Evening Light From Battersea Bridge

This painting meant so much to me because before this competition came up I had never set up to paint in the Chelsea area. Sometimes we don't seem to appreciate the area where we live or work and always look out to travel or paint somewhere else. But when Heatherleys and The Cheyne Walk Trustdecided to set up the competition and auction in aid of a...

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Rain, Rain and Rush Hour, 24" x 20", Oil on Canvas, 2011(Plus Competition)

cityscape competition london oil on canvas rain reflections rush hour urban life

Rain, Rain and Rush Hour, 24" x 20", Oil on Canvas, 2011 SOLD

This is one of many paintings I did last year, which I am yet to post. This particular piece has two of my favourite subjects combined-Rain and Rush Hour! Viewing these scenes are almost magical to me, all my senses start ticking and I'm really on edge to get the right shot with my camera- I need an umbrella in one hand and my camera in...

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Bath Revisited-Competition Winner, The Review and Some paintings

Bath Experience Bath Marathon competition exhibition Peter Brown review

Last year I set up a competition on one of my posts after meeting the inspirational Peter Brown. The question to be answered was to decode the inspirational message Peter Brown wrote on his Exhibition catalogue for me. Laurie won! She decoded the message and her prize was that she would win a 6" x 8" painting of any location of her choice. She chose the Back of Pulteney Bridge at Bathand I...

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Evening Light, from Battersea Bridge wins Chelsea Riverside Competition

auction competition exhibition me oil on board

Evening Light, From Battersea Bridge, 24" x 30", Oil on Board, 2010 SOLD

The Chelsea Riverside Exhibition came to a close yesterday and I am delighted to have won the First Prize for the Best work in the Show! It was exciting so many wonderful paintings of the Chelsea Riverside area!

The exhibition was well organized by Cheyne Walk Trust and Heatherley's School of Fine Art.It was great to meet so...

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