Painting of Diana (Stage 2)

diana life painting mixed media. people oil on linen portraits

I had the opportunity today to get in 3 hours of work on Diana.

Painting from life is really interesting and demanding, as one has to adjust and re-adjust with the movements and changes in the model, especially when it comes to clothes and folds.

Diana has been a great model and I look forward to getting more work done. At 2 hours Diana wanted me to stop the painting- she said it already had a...

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The Chef, 12" x 16", Oil Base pencil/graphite, 2009

drawing graphite mixed media. people oil base pencil portraits

Last week I went for a fast food at a Food Shop and one guy served me, he had a face that has contrasts-Silky smooth hair on his head but his beard was coarse and curly. Immediately I knew I'll love to put my graphite and oil base pencil into that.

I asked him and he agreed! I took my time to concentrate on these two opposites.

I have used Pitt Oil base pencil (hard and soft)and a H graphite pencil...

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Sketches on the train in November IV

mixed media. people sketches

More people.............

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Sketches on the train, tube and bustop in October XI

mixed media. people

More people......................

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"EXPECTATIONS I", 23" x 14.5", mixed media, 2008

expectations mixed media. people

Just completed this scene of people waiting, expecting...........In these times of credit crunch and the unpredictability of the financial world-these people represent the tense situations out there............WHAT NEXT? NOBODY KNOWS.................

We'll keep waiting, praying, believing...................


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