Alla Prima Techinque: Inside out-"Rain, Rain, Rain, Trafalgar Square"
Adebanji Alade alla prima Charing Cross demo Demonstrations Inside-Out Technique london oil on board rain Statue Trafalgar Square urban
Rain, Rain, Rain, Trafalgar Square, 10" x 8", Oil on Board, SOLD |
Awakening Statue, Roper's Garden (12) Chelsea Marathon, 10" x 8", Oil board
Adebanji Alade alla prima Awakening Statue chelsea Chelsea Marathon Chelsea Painter Chelsea Paintings london oil oil on board plein air Roper's Garden Statue urban
Awakening Statue, Roper's Garden (12) Chelsea Marathon, 10" x 8", Oil board |
I visited this garden once or twice in the past and I always thought this was a great place to relax.
But this time around I wasn't going to miss out including it in my Chelsea Marathon!
That's the business taking place in full speed! |
I went...
Awakening Statue, Roper's Garden (12) Chelsea Marathon, 10" x 8", Oil board
Adebanji Alade alla prima Awakening Statue chelsea Chelsea Marathon Chelsea Painter Chelsea Paintings london oil oil on board plein air Roper's Garden Statue urban
Awakening Statue, Roper's Garden (12) Chelsea Marathon, 10" x 8", Oil board |
I visited this garden once or twice in the past and I always thought this was a great place to relax.
But this time around I wasn't going to miss out including it in my Chelsea Marathon!
That's the business taking place in full speed! |
I went...
Evening Light, Whistler Statue, Chelsea Embankment (The Process)
Adebanji Alade alla prima chelsea Chelsea Painter Chelsea Riverside daily paintworks demo london oil on gessoed musuem mount board plein air plein air demonstration Statue tips on plein air
Evening Light, Whistler Statue, Chelsea Embankment, oil on gessoed mountboard, 6" x 8" |
I was determined to paint on an evening when the light was brilliant around the River Thames and the Chelsea Embankment. I thought I was going to go a bit further in search of a scene to paint when I suddenly got struck by the light hitting the Whistler Statuealong the...
My Sketches at the First Urban Sketchers Exhibition
Ackland Museum cityscape exhibition graphite landscape london Moleskine A4 monument oil base pencil Olympics Statue Strand urban life urban sketchers
A majority of the proceeds from the sale of the sketches will go directly to Urban Sketchers to support their educational programs...