Updates from My Art World May 2017
Albert Bridge Banksy Constable in Brighton Heatherleys North End Market plein air Sketches on Public transport Teaching The Art Academy The Artists Magazine The One Show Voice Overs Walter Daniell
2. Painting around Sloane Square, The Royal Court Theatre
3. Teaching at Hewatherleys and The Art Academy.
5. Featured on The One Show for a short film on William Daniell
Updates from my Art World XI ( April 2017)
Ilfracombe International School Vienna Motivational Workshops Norway campmeeting portrait sketch Sketches on Public transport The One Show Who is my neighbour? William Daniell RA workshop
When the sketchbook is left at home there's always something to sketch on. |
2. I held a One day Workshop on "THE PORTRAIT SKETCH" at The Mall Galleries for The Friends of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
3. Who is my Neighbour, a night of music, art and sermonettes at the Norway International Campmeeting with The Apostolic Faith Church.
4. Motivational and...
Updates from my Art World XI ( March 2017)
Arthur Mole Idris Elba Karl Taylor Kevin Scully sketches Sloane Square St Benedicts Catholic College The One Show
This is where I take a sketch and work on the coloured version with no colour reference, all from imagination. |
Working... |
Updates from my Art World XI (February 2017)
Adebanji Alade London Rain paintings paintings plein air sketches The One Show
3. Adebanji presents "My Dad The Ad Man" on the One Show- BBC One.
4. Adebanji presents from Dot to Dot on the One Show-BBC One
5. Voice Overs for a new short film coming up!
6. The Day it Rained Charing Cross Road
The Day It Rained, Charimg Cross Road, 24" x 20", Oil on Canvas. |
Detail of the work in progress with palette. |
Updates from my Art World VIII (November 2016)
Icon films Mall Galleries Open Studio Heatherleys ROI Sketches on Public transport The One Show Vienna
1.Sketching on Public Transport
2. 4 works exhibited at The Royal Institute of Oil Painters Exhibition
Summer Shadows, South Bank, 16" x 12", Oil on Board |
Summer Shadows, Duke of York Square, 16" x 12", Oil on Board |
SOFAP painting day out, 8" x 10", Oil on Board |
ROI painting day out, 8" x 10", Oil on Board |
3. I taught the at The Open Studio at Heatherleys
Diana was the model and she wore a very... |