Updates from my Art World XI ( April 2017)

Ilfracombe International School Vienna Motivational Workshops Norway campmeeting portrait sketch Sketches on Public transport The One Show Who is my neighbour? William Daniell RA workshop

1. Sketches on Public Transport.

When the sketchbook is left at home there's always something to sketch on. 

2. I held a One day Workshop on "THE PORTRAIT SKETCH" at The Mall Galleries for The Friends of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

3. Who is my Neighbour, a night of music, art and sermonettes at the Norway International Campmeeting with The Apostolic Faith Church.

4. Motivational and...

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Adebanji Alade Demonstrations God's masterpiece Moleskine pens people Purpose Driven Life sketching sketching and sharing The original Plan tombow wash workshop

Do what I love most-Sketching and Sharing.

The Experience, The Fun, The Passion, The Desire-It's always a different ball game when we do what we were CREATED to do, when we do what we were WIRED to do.....
Let me explain, the week I did this learning session, I pulled my back muscle around my waist, it was so bad, I had to stay at home, I was wondering as the Sketching Workshop was approaching,...

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acrylic Adebanji Alade cityscape Demonstrations oil Street Scene townscapes Urban Landscape urbansacpe workshop

After the success of "EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT SKETCHING" in August, I'm taking on a new workshop on the 29th of October, 2014 (WEDNESDAY) at Harris Academy, Falconwood. It is all about the URBAN LANDSCAPE, Some call it CITSCAPES, or TOWNSCAPES or URBANSCAPES or STREETSCENES!

This workshop is all about how to paint Convincing and Expressive Landscapes indoors!

St Pauls

After a Demonstration with...

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MY UPCOMING WORKSHOP-"Everything I know about Sketching!"

Adebanji Alade learning to sketch materials used in sketching sketch classes sketch techniques sketch tutorials sketch workshop sketches tips on sketching people on public transport workshop

I've been running this sketching blog since 2006 and a lot of my readers have always asked for a hands on practical workshop- So I'm delighted to announce that I'll be holding an intensive one day WORKSHOP on "Everything I know about Sketching!".

To register for this workshop you can click HERE

The details are as follows:

Everything I know about sketching: ONE DAY WORKSHOP at Harris Academy,...

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The Portrait Sketch in Oil- Shots from the day

alla prima Cass Art demo oil oil on canvas workshop

Cass Art, Islington was the venue for my second workshop demo at Cass Art. Altogether I had 17 participants and they all had fun! The workshop ran from 12-4pm and I decided to do 2 colour sketches with all the talk and explanation in the first 2 hours and then let the class do their own paintings from 2-4pm with a bit of critique and feedback from me. Winsor & Newtonjoined up with Cass Arts to...

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