The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career 7

chalk pastel coloured pencil exhibition gouache josh Patchings Art Exhibition portraits The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career watercolour wax crayons

Number 7-Day Dreaming

I won't write too much about this piece here because the whole story about how I created it from start to finish can be seen on this link HERE.

DAY DREAMING, 13” x 10” Mixed Media(watercolour, coloured pencil, wax crayons, chalk pastel, 2008)

The work was chosen as part of the Patching's Art Competition organised by The Artist's Magazine in 2008 and a nice guy bought it! It meant a lot to me as it was one of the first times I sold a painting at the Patching's Art Competition and one of the first after I decided to take my career full time.

It's of my son Josh when he was much younger and I still love the piece so badly, so how I wish I hadn't sold the original but then-The Survival factor comes into play!

"Painters should focus on creating the best work they can. That is what they can control... Once the work is out there, its value is determined by people willing to spend money that they too worked hard for." -Brigitte Nowak

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