2 London Scenes both 10" x 12" in acrylic and oil.

acrylic landscape painting london oil on canvas urban life

Summerlight Charing Cross Road, 10" x 12", Acrylic on Canvas, 2010

These are 2 scenes from the road I love best in London. Its's Charing Cross Road, I must have walked this road a "million times" since 1999. I'll mention a few reasons why I love it: It is home to my favourite art shop-Cass Arts, it has the National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, A great Art book shop-Henry Pordes. Foyles, it used to have Borders (a great bookshop, I still miss it!) It has the lead to Denmark Street-The music Instrument world! It has the lead to Leicester Square- the Entertainment Square. It also has great scenes to paint and sketch. I never tire walking through this road-watch out this year, for more urban scenes that I'll be painting from this road!

Evening light, Leicester Square Station, 10" x 12", Oil on Canvas, 2010.

To spice up this year, I'll be sharing some of the things the keep me inspired from ALL the books I read. I'll be starting a special quote for each post this year. Something that has caught my attention and fired me up!

Special Quote for this POST
"What carries people to the top? What makes them take risks, go the extra mile, do whatever it takes to achieve their goals? It isn't talent. It's passion. Passion creates fire. It provides fuel. I have yet to meet a passionate person who lacked energy. As long as the passion is there, it doesn't matter if they fail. It doesn't matter how many times they fall down. It doesn't matter if others are against them or if people say they cannot succeed. They keep going and make the most of whatever talent they possess. They are talent-plus people and do not stop until they succeed."
-John C Maxwell, author of TALENT IS NEVER ENOUGH"

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