Updates form my Art World September 2017

addictive sketcher afro BBC BBC One Show demo Demonstrations Karl Taylor One to One Tutoring Open Studio Heatherley's RA drawing rooms Sketches on Public transport Turner and the Sun `sketches

1. Sketches on public transport.

2. One to One Coaching with Julia.

Collage of drawing demos and a picture of us together.

Talking about my sketches and drawings.

We worked of sketching on Public Transport together

Julia working on some of the techniques I showed her.
3.  Turner and The Sun.- I presented Turner and the sun on The One Show, BBC One.

4. Open Studio Teaching at Heatherleys

5. Portrait Demo...

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Updates from my Art World August 2017

broadcasting drawing gouache IAAF World championship oil sketches Sketches on Public transport

1. Sketching on Public Transport.

2. Working as a broadcaster with Euro Sport at the WORLD ATHLETICS TOURNAMENT in London

3.  New Drawings

The Sage (Prints Available)

Hope (SOLD) Prints available

Vision (Prints available)

4. An Urban Landscape in gouache and mixed media

Summerlight, Oxford Street.

5. An urban painting in Oil Completed.

Evening light, Parsons Green

6. Voice Over for Turner and the Sun, a...

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Updates from my Art World July 2017

Christie's Nigerian sketches oil on board plein air sketches of trees Sketches on Public transport Sloane Square studio painting

1. Sketching on Public Transport

Met this great dude, we laughed, hugged and I sketched him!

2.  One to One Coaching with Gary Westall

Gary's Final Painting
3. Plein Air at Sloane Square

4. Sketches my beloved Trees

5. Studio painting on The Easel.

6. Visit to Christies

7/ Reflecting on some of my sketches in the 90's while at Nigeria.

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Updates from My Art World May 2017

Albert Bridge Banksy Constable in Brighton Heatherleys North End Market plein air Sketches on Public transport Teaching The Art Academy The Artists Magazine The One Show Voice Overs Walter Daniell

1. Sketches on public Transport

2. Painting around Sloane Square, The Royal Court Theatre

3. Teaching at Hewatherleys and The Art Academy.

4. Article in the Artists Magazine on being a Wedding Sketchographer and the 7th feature of my Motivational tips for artists, "Sort Out Your Mind".

5. Featured on The One Show for a short film on William Daniell

6. I did a recording for The One Show on a short film...

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Updates from my Art World XI ( April 2017)

Ilfracombe International School Vienna Motivational Workshops Norway campmeeting portrait sketch Sketches on Public transport The One Show Who is my neighbour? William Daniell RA workshop

1. Sketches on Public Transport.

When the sketchbook is left at home there's always something to sketch on. 

2. I held a One day Workshop on "THE PORTRAIT SKETCH" at The Mall Galleries for The Friends of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

3. Who is my Neighbour, a night of music, art and sermonettes at the Norway International Campmeeting with The Apostolic Faith Church.

4. Motivational and...

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