The 400 year old Mulberry Tree, Lenses Abbey, mixed media, 8" x 10", 2011

coloured pencil gouache mixed media museum mount cardboard my beloved tree watercolour

There's something that fascinates me about trees and sometimes I can't really explain what makes me love them. Maybe one of the reasons could be the animated features of the trunks and branches, especially the ones of those that are very old and have stood the storms and winds of life.

This particular tree stands in front of the Lenses Abbey in Abbey Wood and some photographersreckon it was...

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My Beloved Tree V, 8" x 10", Oil on Canvasboard, 2009

landscapes my beloved tree oil on canvas board

This was the my next shot after I finished number 4 in this series. This was more of a close up and I really had to zero-in to get the delicate features of this beautiful tree. I worked on it on site and finished it off in the studio

This was done in oil on a Winsor and Newton Canvas board.

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My Beloved Tree IV, 10" x 8", oil on canvasboard, 2009

landscape painting my beloved tree oil on canvas board

Yesterday I did this painting and finished it off in the studio this morning. I have sketched this tree before but it was so nice to get to paint it especially with its springy fresh foliage.

This was done on a Winsor and Newton Canvas Board in Oil colour.

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My Beloved Tree III, 16 x 11, mixed media on paper, 2009

biro colored pencils drawing gouache landscape my beloved tree sanguine dust sepia dust watercolour

The weather was better today but only in the afternoon. I scouted about to find those lovely trees that I have always longed to draw or paint but only do so in my dreams, or sometimes in my mind....I discovered this one in the bush around Belvedere. I then made myself comfortable and gave it a go.

I have used sanguine and sepia dust, watercolour, gouache, Biro and coloured pencils to achieve this.


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My Beloved Tree II, 15 x10, graphite on paper.

drawing graphite landscape my beloved tree

This is another tree I like, although I like it better in the summer, but it is good to see and appreciate the bare skeleton of it during these early spring days.

It was done with graphite 2B and 3B on cartridge paper

Today was a bit cold than yesterday and I was less relaxed while sketching this time but I endured as long as I could from 10- 11.30am.

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