Sketches on the train, tube and bus in April I

Adebanji Alade biro bus drawing london London Transport people public transportation sketches tombow wash pens tube

These are some backlogs of sketches I haven't published here! Enjoy the moments! Enjoy the people from different places. London is a melting pot-a sketchers' dream!!!

Remember to sign up to my Blog where I share my sketching tips. Click HERE for the Sketching tips site

"Nothing gives me such delight while I journey from place to place within the city of London, than when I am busy...

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Back After a Long Break (Stories Behind & Sketches)

London Transport people Southeastern trains tombow wash pens underground `sketches

It's great to be back to blogging! I have had to take a break from blogging to sort out loads of stuff in my life that needed attention, and I am glad that after a break and also a wonderful spiritual refreshment with the youths of my church recently at a Youth Camp called, "Call of Duty"-Get Equipped", I am back with a firmer, stronger and more determined spirit!

I'll continue the remaining 20...

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Sketches on the Train, Bus and Tube in January I

bus london London Transport people people sketches public transportation Southeastern trains tube

These are some back load of sketches from last year which I haven't posted-they show everything I feel when I observe people everyday. I could catcha sleeping man three times, if he keeps changing the pose! I simply love it! I could catch a lady putting on make-up in a rush on the train-this says a lot about London life! Someone could be right there, staring at me and I'll take it on, full and...

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