London Commuters the mixed media version, 40" x 24", Mixed Media on Board

2B graphite pencil acrylic arches watercolour paper coloured pencil mixed media newspaper oil

This is one of those pieces that I get to do when I feel like making a statement about my experiences(these experience range from what I see in peoples faces, discussion I had with people as I sketch, the way I felt on the day I sketched the person, inspiration I gathered from the journey that day and a host of other things) on public transport, the press cuttings and the constant cancellations...

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"Left Over-Raiders" 13" x 6.5", watercolour, 2009

arches watercolour paper different strokes from different folks DSFDF Karin Jurick pen

I have been so busy working on a portrait commission of a large head, 30" x 30" and it has almost made me loose track of most things that I almost missed Karin Jurick's Different Strokes from Different folks. It is has been one year since Karin started this great blog after the her dog, Jackpassed away. Ever since, she got artists all over the world painting and drawing Jack. She has continued to...

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Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Rd, 14" x 10", Mixed Media on Watercolour Paper, 2009

acrylic arches watercolour paper gouache watercolour

This piece brings again my love for energy, movement and life of the urban scenes! This view is from under the theatre as opposed to the front of it. I just loved the angled lines and artificial lighting under the theatre against the natural light around the theatre with the burst of buzzing human movement that is so common around the West End in London. The current show "Hamlet"is what is...

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Painters and their paintings I (ANDREW FESTING), Mixed Media on arches watercolour paper, 10" x 12", 2009

arches watercolour paper biro gouache graphite oil base pencil painters and thier paintings pen people. watercolour

This is the first of a new series of works I'll be producing on painters and their paintings.

Now, because this is based on photos I have taken of these artists- I am leaving it open to you to guess who the artist is.

After someone gets it right then I'll post their name in brackets as part of the title. Only then will I complete the reason why I chose the artist and why I like their paintings and...

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