The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career 16

acrylic Arsenal Arsenal Fan competition mixed media The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career Thierry Henry

Number 16-The Highbury Goal Machine.

This painting was done for an Art Football Competition( I focused on the highest scoring player for Arsenal, Thierry Henry-He is one of the football players that played the game and scored goals with such flair and fluency- it was almost swagger like or should I use his words VaVa VOOOMMM!!!)but it got rejected, and you may wonder why it changed my career. Well,...

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The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career 12

acrylic Arsenal Arsenal Fan Barclays Premiership ink mixed media

Number 12-The Agony and the Ecstasy

This painting was done in acrylics and ink, It shows an Arsenal fan(I used myself as the model)- by taking pictures of myself in both moods, joyful and then in despair. I planned the composition to reveal both moods but allowing the joyful mood to prevail. It was done in 2 days but took weeks and weeks of planning and thinking. The results came on the 1st of...

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