Heatherley's School of Fine Art (8) Chelsea Marathon, 10" x 8", Graphite on paper

Adebanji Alade chelsea Chelsea drawings Chelsea Marathon Chelsea Painter Chelsea Paintings Chelsea sketches drawing Heatherley School of Fine Art Lots Road plein air sketching trees

This is number 8, of my current series of drawings and paintings of Chelsea, they are all 10" x 8" in size.

I chose this because this was school that changed my perception of art! Great Tutors and a fantastic environment to study with amazing students all willing to reach their aspirations!

Heatherley's School of Fine Art (8) Chelsea Marathon, 10" x 8", Graphite on paper
 To purchase this drawing,...

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Elected as An Associate Member of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters (The Journey)

A and K Wilson Gallery Adebanji Alade alla prima DVD exhibition FACE OF HOMELESSNESS Heatherley School of Fine Art homeless oil oil on board oil on canvas ROI The Artist Magazine Town House Films

My journey and passion with Oil colour started while I was at Yaba College of Technology between 1992-1997. It was where I discovered this wonderful medium, up till then I had only painted in water based media.

ROI 2007- The painting Rush Hour III won the First Prize in the Winsor & Newton Under 35 Category. 

I can't remember the exact year but something tells me it was in 1993! I heard a lot about...

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The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career 13

chelsea competition exhibition Heatherley School of Fine Art oil on board The Story Behind 40 works that changed my career

Number 13-Evening Light From Battersea Bridge

This painting meant so much to me because before this competition came up I had never set up to paint in the Chelsea area. Sometimes we don't seem to appreciate the area where we live or work and always look out to travel or paint somewhere else. But when Heatherleys and The Cheyne Walk Trustdecided to set up the competition and auction in aid of a...

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Grey Day, Albert Bridge, 16" x 8", oil on board, 2010(Chelsea Riverside Art Competition)

Chyne Walk Trust competition Heatherley School of Fine Art oil on board plein air

Grey Day, Albert Bridge

This is one of my entries into the Cheyne Walk Trust Chelsea Riverside competition, I'll be posting on my other entry tomorrow. We were to paint any scene around the Chelsea Riverside. The exhibition of all the submitted paintings ends today at the Heatherley School of Fine Art with an auction of paintings by some well known artists like Julian Barrow; Jane Corsellis; D...

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