"Contemplation II" (THE FLYING MOLESKINS), 5" x 7", Mixed Media on paper, 2010

charcoal dust coloured pencil graphite graphite dust oil base pencil the flying moleskins

This is my latest entry into a sketchbook exchange between 13 artists.

This sketch will be in Liz Holm's sketchbook but at the moment it is on its way to Dean in The States.

I have gone about this piece by first sketching with with graphite then adding a graphite dust wash for tones, followed by a charcoal dust wash for darker tones. Then I added details with a white coloured pencil and a soft oil base pencil.

Liz had as part of her theme, to be portraits of any kind, so I decided to zoom into one of the commuters I keenly observed at Victoria Coach Station Bus Stop. He looked really tense and pensive and seemed to be very very deep in thought. His pose and demeanour told a bit of a story, but that would be left for the viewer to judge. Because I kept thinking, "What could he be thinking about...?" But then, what do you expect in a society that is been ravaged with the credit crunch factor, reports of natural disasters, so much crime indoors and outdoors.....There's bound to be straining pull on the average person. But I thank God that, in the midst of these raging storms, we can put our trust in Christ who indeed can put peace in our hearts! As promised in Philippians 4:6,7-"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

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