goauche josh mount-board the flying moleskins

These are two pieces I have done for the current sketchbook exchange, called "The Flying Moleskins".I am participating in with 12 other artists.

Irit had as her theme "local places"-I went about this with, What if my Christ visited my Cluttered room?

What if Christ came into my clutter? Gouache, 2010

Dana had as her theme "dreams"-I went about this with, another day-dreaming piece of my boy Josh when he was younger.

Day Dreaming II, Gouache, 2010

All these pieces were done in gouache on mount-board.

I am currently in Bath at the moment, on my 2nd Marathon. I haven't forgotten to post lessons I have learnt from my 1st Marathon. That will be my next post with the day by day action pictures following.

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