Night light, Lots Road Power Station, 6" x 8", oil on gessoed card, 2010

alla prima landscape painting night painting oil on gessoed card oil sketch plein air

Night light, Lots Road Power Station, 6" x 8", oil on gessoed card, 2010

My day was overcrowded and I wasn't really happy I didn't get a painting done. But then I thought we have longer days now! So I set out when it was 21.30 to somewhere around my studio and by 22.00 I had found a spot. I worked under a very bright lamp post and was able to finish my first night painting on a 6" x 8" format. I hope to do more and improve as I go along!

Enjoy the pics below.

Adebanji painting

The painting in the box

The snapshot of the scene

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