Street Life, 10" x 8", Mixed Media on Canvas board, 2008

canvas board. different strokes from different folks Karin Jurick mixed media

This is my entry in Karin Jurick's Different strokes from different folks.

Immediately I saw the picture reference, I had this feeling I would like to portray street workers. I worked with the homeless at St Mungo's for 9 years helping them sort out their issues and being a motivator to help them tap into their hidden talents and restoring their self esteem by involving them in meaningful activities.

It was a very hard job but also very rewarding too, because sometimes you would help someone get out of their street life style into actually being homeowners with a positive lifestyle too.

My job was to help them see the brighter side of life, whether they decided to continue or stop was up to them. In my years working with them there were some positive stories that changed my views about homeless people altogether and I think it is also a good thing to help in donating to charities like St Mungo's, that help the homeless have better lives!

I started this painting with acrylic and then introduced Biro and coloured pencils to get some effects that my impatience would not allow me render with acrylic.

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