HOW TO PAINT THE Mona Lisa- on MORE 4 tonight at 9pm

Adebanji Alade all4 Channel 4 Leonardo da vinci Mona Lisa more4 The Addictive Sketcher

 Tonight on More4 or All4- Follow me on a journey as I find out how to paint the Mona Lisa. 

It's going to exciting and exhausting at the same time!

If you love art and you love the process of making art or you just love anything creative with a buzz, then don't miss this tonight!

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Adebanji Alade Essaouira Morocco painting holiday plein air

I am very pleased to announce that I would be having a very cool painting holiday in Essaouira,  Morocco from the 10th -18th of October, 2020.
Adebanji bathed in the British Sun, Lets do it in Morocco!

For FULL DETAILS of the PAINTING HOLIDAY please visit the WEBSITE by clicking HERE.

It's a great opportunity to paint alongside me and watch the ocassional demo in this lovely town of Morocco

Let's do...

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Updates from my Art World XI (February 2017)

Adebanji Alade London Rain paintings paintings plein air sketches The One Show

1. Sketching on Public Transport

2. Plein Air at Sloane Square.

3. Adebanji presents "My Dad The Ad Man" on the One Show- BBC One.

4. Adebanji presents from Dot to Dot on the One Show-BBC One

5. Voice Overs for a new short film coming up!

6.  The Day it Rained Charing Cross Road

The Day It Rained, Charimg Cross Road, 24" x 20", Oil on Canvas.

Detail of the work in progress with palette.

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Alla Prima Techinque: Inside out-"Rain, Rain, Rain, Trafalgar Square"

Adebanji Alade alla prima Charing Cross demo Demonstrations Inside-Out Technique london oil on board rain Statue Trafalgar Square urban

Rain, Rain, Rain, Trafalgar Square, 10" x 8", Oil on Board, SOLD

In this post I would like to explain in full detail, my process of painting a typical Urban Rainy Day in London.
I love rainy days because of the reflections and subtle greys but most importantly, I love them because it gives me the opportunity to test my drawing skills while painting. 

Painting shape by shape in the "Inside Out"...

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Adebanji Alade Demonstrations God's masterpiece Moleskine pens people Purpose Driven Life sketching sketching and sharing The original Plan tombow wash workshop

Do what I love most-Sketching and Sharing.

The Experience, The Fun, The Passion, The Desire-It's always a different ball game when we do what we were CREATED to do, when we do what we were WIRED to do.....
Let me explain, the week I did this learning session, I pulled my back muscle around my waist, it was so bad, I had to stay at home, I was wondering as the Sketching Workshop was approaching,...

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