The Portrait Sketch in Oil- Shots from the day

alla prima Cass Art demo oil oil on canvas workshop

Cass Art, Islington was the venue for my second workshop demo at Cass Art. Altogether I had 17 participants and they all had fun! The workshop ran from 12-4pm and I decided to do 2 colour sketches with all the talk and explanation in the first 2 hours and then let the class do their own paintings from 2-4pm with a bit of critique and feedback from me. Winsor & Newton joined up with Cass Arts to supply a generous amount of oil colour, brushes, solvent, medium, disposable palettes, canvas boards and canvas for the demo and the participants to try out.

The class had 3 options of which to choose two.
1. was to watch me do a portrait sketch from life in an hour.
2. was watch me do a portrait sketch from a photo.
3. was to watch me to a portrait sketch from one of my black and white sketches.

They decided to watch me to

1. a portrait sketch in colour from a coloured photo (Kezia)

2. a portrait sketch in colour from a black and white photo(Monty)

I am really thankful to Emmanuel and Iman (participants on the day) for taking great pictures while the workshop was going on

1st demo was one of Kezia

Adebanji starts the First Demo

Adebanji finishes the First Demo

2nd demo was one of Monty

Adebanji starts the Second Demo

Adebanji finishes the Second Demo

Other shots from the day




"Using a little bit of paint, one cannot learn to use a lot. Using a lot one can learn to use a little"

"Start the finish with the first brushstroke-then finish the start"

In learning how to paint, the only technical thing to learn is how to hold the brush and make the brushstroke."

-David A. Leffel Mantras

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