AFRO XXIV, 8" x 10", Mixed Media on Heavy Watercolour paper, 2009
AFRO SERIES charcoal dust colored pencils josh liqitex slow-dri blending medium oil base pencil
This is number 24 in my current Afro series- another experiment- I started off by mixing the charcoal dust with some Liquitex Slow Dri Blending medium(Never tried this just looking for effects)I didn't do any initial drawing just attacking the paper with my brush as I would approach a watercolour piece. Then when it was dry, I added more definite drawing and tone to the piece with the oil base...
Painting of Diana (Stage 2)
diana life painting mixed media. people oil on linen portraits
I had the opportunity today to get in 3 hours of work on Diana.
Painting from life is really interesting and demanding, as one has to adjust and re-adjust with the movements and changes in the model, especially when it comes to clothes and folds.
Diana has been a great model and I look forward to getting more work done. At 2 hours Diana wanted me to stop the painting- she said it already had a...
Sketches on the bus and tube in January IX
More people, more sketches. The people observing were very friendly today. Some gave some very encouraging comments and some very good winks and looks!
I even took time to sketch myself from the window of a 345 Bus. That was quite interesting, only some people looking couldn't really figure out what I was looking at when I was looking into the window and sketching. I got one of the passengers to...
Sketches on the bus and tube in January VIII
More sketches on the tube and bus today. Some of these sketches are a bit loose because I felt a bit sleepy all day.........sometimes they are kind of cool that way.