Coastal Adventures in Acrylic (DVD) The trailer is here!

acrylic alla prima DVD impressionism plein air

This is it! The trailer is just to wet your appetite! If you love plein air work, direct painting, painting with passion, or you love acrylics and would love to explore some possibilities with it outdoors- you'll ENJOY Coastal Adventures in Acrylic. It was an adventure for me and I strongly feel the only thing that takes that "spirit of adventure" we all had when we were younger out of us, is the fear or failure and sometimes rejection. But getting it back can be intoxicating and inspiring! I have always been inspired by the impressionists, they took a bold step at a time when the public was used to seeing something comfortable, something they were used too, something all too common and then came these guys in Paris with a new way of seeing! They painted the effect of light on their subjects with freedom and expression in bold vibrant colours. That movement changed a lot in art and here we are today still affected by their adventure!

This has been part of what keeps me sketching and painting. I have been affected by the freedom of the impressionists and I put all passion and energy into what I do, it's that childlike adventure bursting out in me again! THAT'S WHAT I SHARE IN THIS DVD! Hope you enjoy it, when it is finally released on the 29th of November, 2010 by TownHouse Films.

The DVD has 4 paintings I did, all using different techniques to start. I am also very pleased to let you know that the first painting I completed in the DVD has been accepted in the prestigious Annual Exhibition of the ROYAL INSTITUTE OF OIL PAINTERS. If you are in London at The Mall Galleries between the 8th and 19th of December, don't miss it. You'll be able to see the works of some of the Countries top painters in Oil and some upcoming young painters in the Under 35 category! It's always a great to see Oil used in diverse ways and also acrylic. Some may ask, why acrylic, when it's an Oil exhibition? Well, the organizers have always accepted acrylic if it is used and the work produced framed like an oil painting.

I'll keep you updated with more on the DVD, when the release day is near, meanwhile, watch out for my Bath Marathon 4 PART 3, tomorrow!

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