Just After the Rain, The Abbey, 24" x 30", oil on canvas, 2011

alla prima Bath Experience cityscape landscape landscape painting oil on canvas The Bath Prize

Just After the Rain, The Abbey, Oil on Canvas, 24" x 30", 2011, SOLD

This is one of the paintings that got sold in the Bath Prize auction last year.

I went with my son Josh who was happy to see my painting go under the hammer, he got inspired and managed to sell one of his sketches for 30p!

Adebanji and Josh at The Bath Prize Auction, picture by Andy Short

I have tried to capture that freshness in the air after the rain with some reflections too. I was mainly inspired to take this piece after studying how Edward Seago takes on the clear cut effect of light and shade on architecture.

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might..."-King Solomon of Israel(Ecclesiastes 9:10)

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