MY BATH MARATHON EXHIBITION OPENS (212 plein air paintings of Bath)

alla prima Bath Experience Bath Marathon exhibition landscape painting me oil on board oil on gessoed card plein air

The Gallery Front

This is it! I give glory to God, when my Pastor started this year he preached a sermon on the 1st of January -titled, "THIS IS IT!" He said this year will be a "THIS IS IT, YEAR FOR US". I didn't and couldn't fully understand this but when I got to Bath and saw the gallery front with the 212 paintings, I just said, "THIS IS IT"!!!

Adebanji signing the Circus Panorama

It hasn't been an easy task, but I decided to dream! And dreams do come true! This year I decided to do 500, 6" x 8" paintings of London, I discussed this with Mike Porter of the Bath Gallery. He thought I was crazy but then he said, "can you put that on hold and do 250 of Bath?". I instantly agreed! I said, why not, just get me somewhere to stay and I'll paint morning, noon and night!He did just that and from July to October, in a total of 8 weeks-I embarked on this Marathon, you might be thinking, July to October is about 16 weeks. Yes, but I had 8 weeks of break in between, if I didn't, I might have run into trouble with my family in Kent! My wife and kids were just so supportive!

Adebanji presenting the Circus Panorama

During this period, I decided to take my painting adventure to another level. It was tough, there were some days I would think,"just give up" or "why did I get into this, it's not worth it" or "I'm dying of cold here, I'd rather be in my studio" but PASSION IS A DANGEROUS THING! When you are passionate about what you do, something miraculous occurs, you end up doing things over and beyond your capability and that's what happened. Mike is a visionary! I remember telling him that I could do it and he said, " I can see this gallery filled from top to bottom, all along, with little gems of Bath"-I BELIEVED! Now the rest is history....This is it!

Cross Section at Private View

Enjoy the pictures which speak louder than words!!! I was thrilled to meet people who could share my vision, enjoy my paintings, offer their comments and right there before me, purchase the ones they loved the most. Everyone seemed to have a favourite! A lovely couple bought the Panorama Circus and had me inscribe on the mounting piece a quote from my blog(I guess they had been reading my blog.) Another lady took time to make up her mind on the Private View night, I thought she had given up, only to come the next morning looking bright with a smile, she said, "I have made up my mind, it's number 3"! With a hug, she seals the deal! I met a business man from Nigeria who bought 3 pieces, he got me to inscribe an inspiring message, that had to do with Britons and Nigerians succeeding in business relations.....I could go on...the magic continues!

Along the wall

People asked me, why Bath? I simply tell them, I came, I saw and I conquered! In 2009, there was prize for The Best Plein Air Work in The BATH PRIZE COMPETITION, we were given locations to paint, I painted the Theatre Royal on a Grey Day and IT WON! Prior to that time I had never been to Bath. A painting Competition brought me here and I fell in love with the place, to me, it is a historic city in a contemporary world! The buildings are all baked, the people move around in a buzz and the tourists keep the place flooded-it's the Rome of Britain.

Alex Fowler NEAC made me laugh!

Once again to view all 212 paintings, click HERE. The exhibitions runs till the 18th of December.

Portrait selection of 12 Portrait plein air pieces

Cross Section at the Opening

Adebanji signing the paintings

Adebanji at the PV

NUMBER 41-Pulteney Bridge at Night

NUMBER 36-The Beautiful Tree and the Bandstand, Victoria Gardens

NUMBER 24-Bog Island at Night

NUMBER 3- Belushi's from the Podium

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