Sketches on the train and tube in February VI

people sketches tips on sketching people on public transport

More sketches! (Below-bottom-right)The boys were playing games and it was almost time to get down at their stop. The parent of one of the boys collected the game and the boy started crying. He was couldn't stop crying and looked shattered. He was still dripping with tears when I showed him my sketch of him and his friend as they played games and his tears vanished and he gave a wide smile! His parents were appreciative too as they could sense my mission- To restore the little boy's happiness! That's one of the joys of sketching!

These are more tips for sketching on public transport, a continuation from my last sketch post, watch out for more in my next sketch post.

11. Always try to keep your values simple. I normally settle down for only 3 (Dark, Middle tone, Light). These are enough for a sketch to have a lively 3 dimensional look.

12. Lines are powerful. Everything I like about sketching has to do with line. Make your lines speak. Every line should be put down with a purpose in mind, after some keen observation. Don’t just dabble line for the sake of it or to try and make the sketch look attractive.

13. Don’t be afraid to show people who you have sketched, how it looks. I only do this occasionally when I know I have done a really good job and I would feel something is missing if they don’t see it. So we both share the joy of sketching.

14. The best people to sketch are those who are reading or sleeping. If you want to sketch someone who is awake, make sure you are listening to your heart, if your heart tells you the model is an angel go for it but if not, don’t. I once could not resist sketching a 'scary' big guy with tattoos, a funny hairdo and a big ear lobe. He was a sketchers dream, so I did it on the newspaper I was holding, and transferred it to my sketch pad afterwards.

15. Sometimes if a person is going spend a long time on the tube or train - you can tell by the way the person sits down - if the person sits in a relaxed way, takes off their jacket, takes out a book… you’ll kind of know this is a candidate for more than 4 stops, which is great. So study their body language too and don’t get frustrated by those who keep getting off at the next stop.

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