EMOTIONS IV, 8.5" x 10.5", Acrylic, 2008

acrylic emotions

This is the fourth in my emotions series. The model is one of my favourite, models she is Jewish and an artist herself.

I have used only three colours here- white, ultramarine blue and burnt sienna. I tried to keep this one down to only one medium just to see how far I could go with acrylic. Its been a learning experience for me.

This series is all about the mental state of people that can arise...

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EMOTIONS III, 11" x 14", mixed media, 2008

emotions mixed media.

Tentative...............the third in my emotion series. These faces tell the whole's written!

This was developed from one of my tube sketches.

This is all about the mental state of people that can arise spontaneously rather than through conscious effort, it could be accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.. etc

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Emotions II, 11" x 9", Charcoal/coloured pencil, 2008

emotions people sketches

Still continuing to work from my sketches on the tube/train. This is the second piece in my Emotion series.

This is all about the mental state of people that can arise spontaneously rather than through conscious effort, it could be accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.. etc

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Emotions, 15" x 11", Mixed Media, 2008

acrylic coloured pencil emotions ink pastel people sketches watercolour

Trapped indoors due to a continuous nagging headache, since Friday last week. I can't go out to sketch today, seems I need to slow down!

Well, I devise a plan, I get some old sketches and take it out on them, with all my emotions!

This was completed on canson pastel paper, with ink, coloured pencils, pastels, gouache, acrylic and watercolour...........

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