Morning Light Kings Road (2) Chelsea Marathon

8 x 10 Adebanji Alade alla prima Architectural illustration Architectural Sketches chelsea Chelsea Marathon Chelsea Painter Kings Road oil oil on board Paintings of Chelsea plein air

This my second shot at the Chelsea Marathon.

Here I have used Graphite which is my best medium!

Morning Light, Kings Road, 8" x 10", Graphite on Paper.
To purchase this piece click HERE

I worked purely indoors for this one.

The ability to get the effects of sunlight with graphite lies wholly on the manipulation of tones to suit the scene. When using graphite in landscapes, the one thing missing is temperature. It's only based on tones and I really love tones.

Reference Picture for Morning Light Kings Road

The reference for this picture was taken from a Bus 11 while on the a journey along Kings Road.

"The works executed in the studio brings everything one has learned while drawing and painting outdoors.-Adebanji Alade

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