That Evening Feeling, Lots Road Pumping Station (3) Chelsea Marathon

8 x 10 Adebanji Alade alla prima Architectural illustration Architectural Sketches chelsea Chelsea Marathon Chelsea Painter Lots Road oil oil on board Paintings of Chelsea plein air

This is the third piece in the current series of paintings and drawings around Chelsea.

I have returned to the area around my studio which is around Lots Road.

That Evening Feeling, Lots Road Pumping Station, 8" x 10", Oil on Board

 To purchase this painting please click HERE
This is another view I can't believe I haven't painted for 10 years since being in this area.

Adebanji painting Evening Feeling, Lots Road Pumping Station

I just love the contrast of the warm red brick against the cool effects of the overall picture.

" If a particular place around where you live or work strikes a chord within your spirit, don't waste time, go out and paint it! If you don't, that place will haunt you all your life!"-Adebanji Alade

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