Grey Day On The Strand, 10" x 12", Mixed Media on Watercolour paper, 2009

cityscape coloured pencils gouache ink mixed media watercolour watercolour paper wax crayons

The streets in London continue and this time its the very common grey days we normally experience in London.

This has been executed mainly in watercolour with hints of gouache, wax crayons, coloured pencils and ink.

The technique remains the same as I entered on the last post whereby I go around scene hunting and coming back with several pictures, then I begin to edit, crop and recall mental notes...

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Drizzly Day on Fleet Street, 10" x 10", Mixed media on Watercolour Paper, 2009 SOLD

cityscape coloured pencil goauche landscape watercolour watercolour paper wax crayons

Into the streets but more of studio work. This time its not trees but the typical London urban life I love. When it never rains heavy but drizzles all day long.

This was captured on Fleet Street during my scene hunting expeditions.
During my scene hunting expeditions I take loads of photos of scenes I love then bring back the pictures to the studio and start editing and cropping till I get the...

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Josh and his beach friends, 20" x 10", Mixed Media on gessoed mountboard, 2009

acrylic coloured biros coloured pencils different strokes from different folks josh mixed media tombow wash pens wax crayons

This is entry into Karin Juricks DSFDF. It was a beach scene and my main model Josh had to be employed again but this time a picture from his much younger days.

Here he lands on beachland a new experience for him and his toys...........what next? You decide......anything is possible in a kids world!

This was done in acrylic, coloured biros, wax crayons, coloured pencils and tom bow brush pen wash...

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AFRO XXV, 8" x 11", Mixed Media on Watercolour paper, 2009

AFRO SERIES oil base pencil pastel watercolour watercolour paper wax crayons

This makes number 25 in my current Afro Series. This time it was inspired by the weekly challenge on Karin Juricks DSFDF.

I wanted to show the contrast between this sweet little girl who attends my Sunday School class and the wigged mannequins in the background. But she kind of stands boldly as if to say, " I am also.............." I won't give it all way....

Now this was done first by mixing grey...

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EMOTIONS VI, Mixed Media, 10" x 8", 2009

coloured pencil emotions mixed media pastel watercolour wax crayons

I was divinely inspired to do this piece this morning while I knelt down with my little boy Josh in morning prayer. I let him pray and he prayed those simple lovely prayers that children so innocently pray about...bless mummy, bless daddy, bless mummy's baby(because Ruth my wife is pregnant) bless auntie Funmis baby(because my sister is pregnant too)....that's all I can remember.

And as emotions...

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