Sketches on the train, tube and bus in April I

Adebanji Alade biro bus drawing london London Transport people public transportation sketches tombow wash pens tube

These are some backlogs of sketches I haven't published here! Enjoy the moments! Enjoy the people from different places. London is a melting pot-a sketchers' dream!!!

Remember to sign up to my Blog where I share my sketching tips. Click HERE for the Sketching tips site

"Nothing gives me such delight while I journey from place to place within the city of London, than when I am busy...

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The Face of Homelessness, Southeastern Trains

alla prima FACE OF HOMELESSNESS homeless london oil on board portraits Southeastern trains The Anders Zorn Palette tombow wash pens `sketches

The Face of Homelessness, Southeastern Trains, Oil on Board, 2012
This is another in my series of the Face of homelessness. This was a homeless guy I encountered on the trains. His face was just simply irresistible, I was drawn but the flow of his hair, his strong and prominent cheek bones and his beard.

The original Sketch I did on the trains-this was done with a Black BIC Ball point Pen and the...

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Sketches on the Bus, Train and Tube in November I

A6 daler-rowney sketch book ball point pen buses london people public transportation Southeastern trains tombow wash pens train tube underground `sketches

These are more of the sketches I do on a regular basis on public transport. I love this exercise and I think it is something anyone who embarks on long journeys around London should try and do at one time or the other. There are so many interesting faces on the bus, train and tube!

The human face remains to me a thing a wonder...I am on the train, I have just finished sketching an old man, then he...

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Sketches on the Bus, Train and Tube in October I

A6 daler-rowney sketch book london people public transportation sketches tombow wash pens

These are a few sketches I have done in the past two months, I'll be posting more as the days go by. In this post I'll also be explaining a few thoughts that must have been going through my mind as I sketched these people and the journeys durations on public transport.

Just a recap on what I use: An A6 Daler rowney Sketchbook with 150gms of acid free paper, a simple Bic Ball Point pen (Medium) and...

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Sketches on the Bus, Train, Tube and Train Station in September I

A6 daler-rowney sketch book biro people public transportation sketches tombow wash pens

These are some current sketches...the power my of my observation started to slack a bit, I suddenly didn't do as much sketches as before and I could immediately see the difference and the strain and lack of flow.
So, nothing beats the constant day to day practice. I thank God for the opportunity to keep these sketches going- they really help to sharpen my drawing skills.

All sketches are done with a...

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